NPS – Net Promoter Score

Measuring satisfaction is a necessity. Data does not lie, however in order to make it meaningful, we need a way to catch not only the number, but also emotions behind it. This is where the „ultimate question” can be very helpful: „How likely is it that you would recommend this company/service to a friend or a colleague?”. The foundation of this method is based on the fact we have an emotional link to our friends and would want all the best for them. The scale of this method is from 0 to 10, and allows to divide our customers to: PROMOTERS (score: 9–10), PASSIVES (score: 7–8), DETRACTORS (score: 0–6). With this data we can calculate NPS score, which is the % of PROMOTERS minus % of DETRACTORS. In other words: “if we subtract from all our happy customers all our unhappy customers, what is the number of happy customers left”. This number allows the catch an emotional sentiment, but can also be great call to action for improvements. PM Navigator is also using this tool to continuously hear the Voice of the Customer.

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