
PM Cruise – Schedule vs. Velocity

Training description

PM Cruise training – Schedule vs. Velocity is perfect for project leaders in an agile and classic setting. Participants of the training will learn how to adapt the techniques to manage the work and scope realisation in time in various project models. Upon completion of the course, participants will have the knowledge and skills to effectively manage projects in time. The first part of the training is designed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively create, optimise, monitor and control project schedules. The program focuses on the practical aspects of schedule management, giving participants the opportunity to master skills through interactive exercises and real-life case studies. The next part focuses on providing participants with the knowledge and skills necessary for effective management of time dimension in an Agile project. The program consists of theoretical introductory elements and practical exercises and case study analysis that will help participants understand, measure and improve time in an Agile context.

For whom

  • project leaders
  • Scrum Master
  • Agile Coach
  • Project Manager

purpose of the training

  • Introduction to project management methods in agile and classic organisations.
  • Mastering the skill to effectively plan project tasks in time in various design environments.

what you will gain from the training

Understanding the differences between schedule and velocity in different project contexts.
Building the ability to monitor project progress and respond to deviations.
Learning about various project management techniques and tools, such as the critical path.
Gaining knowledge on practical techniques to improve the efficiency of project implementation.

Training program

Classical approach:

  • Introduction to project schedule management
  • Scheduling tools and techniques (Gantt diagram, critical path, PERT method, task duration estimation)
  • Schedule optimization
  • Schedule monitoring and control
  • Practical exercises and case studies

Agile approach:

  • Introduction to time dimension in the Agile methodology
  • Iteration (sprint) planning
  • Time monitoring and control during iterations
  • Velocity measurement and time forecasting in Agile
  • Agile change management
  • Practical exercises and case studies


Szkolenie nie wymaga specjalnych warunków wstępnych.


PM Navigator course completion certification

Training dates

No scheduled training.

Do you have questions about the training?