
PM Cruise – Strategy

Training description

“Vision without action is a day dream. Action without vision is a nightmare.” Workshop on strategy creation and execution. How to approach it? What makes a good strategy? When is it a waste of time? What tools can help us?

For whom

  • People creating (or wanting to create) strategies for their companies/departments/teams

purpose of the training

  • Know how to approach creating strategy of the organization/department/team.

what you will gain from the training

Training program

  • vision, mission and all that jazz
  • culture that eats strategy
  • creating the strategy 7 strata
  • execution thorugh goals and measuring what matters (OKRs, KPIs, V2MOMs)
  • artifacts and rituals (why, what, who, when, where and how)


no pre-conditions



PM Navigator Course Completion Certificate

Training dates

No scheduled training.

Do you have questions about the training?